Bean by Jess began as one girl’s Depop venture. It was the usual story: a young and relatively free uni student spending her times doing a whole lot of op-shopping, with one uni-campus-sized wardrobe with not a lot of coat hangers. Naturally, that girl (who goes by the name of Jessica Reid) began uploading her excess second-hand scores to sell online. As her reselling increased, so did her following, profit, and passion. Now, six years later, this venture has become a successful business built on circular fashion, run by Jess and her parents. It’s been really inspiring having watched her brand grow and thrive, and is a reminder that anyone can do the same if they put those hard yards in. Now, next time you’re after the ultimate sustainable, cool-girl fit, you’ll know exactly where to go.
WANDERER: How long have you been running Bean and how did it start?
JESS: I started uploading to Depop in 2019 after I moved out of home and began university. Like many other first year students, I lived on campus in a small dorm and quickly ran out of space for all of the clothes I was accumulating through op-shopping. After two years I was uploading more consistently. In three years I had become a Top Seller, and by four years I had successfully graduated university and Bean had become my full-time income. Six years later, I am still loving every part of the circular fashion process.
How would you describe your business in 3 words?
Handpicked with love!
Why did you choose the name Bean?
Choosing a name was very difficult because it needed to be something that I would never get sick of and was quite unique. I was bouncing ideas around with my family and we decided my childhood nickname, Bean, would make a great fit. It’s also a homophone for ‘been,’ which alludes to the clothes having ‘been there, done that’ before. But honestly, it’s just something a bit different and quirky, and something that will always be close to my heart.
Was committing to this path daunting or challenging in any way?
I was lucky enough to grow Bean throughout my university degree, so once I successfully graduated, it was a seamless transition to go full-time as the business was financially stable enough to support me. However, I would be lying if I said that this was an easy decision for me to make or one I made confidently. Both of my siblings are high achieving and career academics, and being the youngest it felt as though I had to live up to their standards. Even now, it is incredibly easy to get imposter syndrome, or compare myself to friends who are successfully working their way up their chosen corporate ladder. Not to mention, a lot of people don’t take you or your career seriously when you are a young entrepreneur and business owner. All of this combined makes it particularly daunting, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Was it easy to find the style and aesthetic of Bean or is it something you’ve had to develop and narrow down over time?
Honestly, it’s not really something I have put much active thought into. I started Bean because I was buying things that I absolutely loved but knew I would never really have the opportunity to wear myself. The business started before COVID-19 and TikTok really blew up, so I think op shopping and wearing second-hand clothes was still a little bit looked down upon, or people didn’t necessarily know what to look for. I like to think that I give clothes that people typically might not gravitate towards a second chance by showing easy and contemporary ways to style them. Of course, I consider things like popular styles and trends, but for the most part the hand picking process is intuitive!
You, yourself, are largely the face of Bean. You model most of the items and seem pretty good at putting yourself out there with confidence. Is this easy for you, have you always been comfortable in that type of way or has it been a challenge?
When I was a teenager, I had a small stint in the modelling industry, so I have always been comfortable in front of a camera. But I think we can all agree that putting yourself out there on social media is a whole different ball game. My degree really helped me with that because a lot of the assignments required uploading and creating content on various social media sites. My friends and family are also extremely supportive, so I have never ever felt judged or embarrassed in any way.
How much help do you have with your business, are there any other employers or people heavily involved or more so just yourself?
My parents packed up their life in regional NSW and moved to Newcastle to join the business in 2023. My Mum is a professional photographer, so she helps me with everything to do with quality imagery. My Dad is a very experienced businessman, so we work together on a lot of things like business admin, marketing, accounting, logistics and the list goes on. They play a huge role behind the scenes! Our business wouldn’t be where it is today without my parents, and I am very lucky to be able to say I work alongside them, as business partners, every single day.
Did you have any experience or training in this industry before starting your business?
I completed a Bachelor of Communications and Media and majored in Visual Communications and Marketing Communications & Advertising. I also completed a few internships during my degree. One of them was work experience for a well-known major Australian fashion retail brand, and the other was for a large social media marketing company.
What has the journey been like for you so far? Has it been a slow process, have you been doubtful at all, or has it all been rewarding and positive?
All of the above. I guess in the grand scheme of things, six years is a long time to grow a business. But it has flown by so quickly, considering I was studying full-time throughout the first three years, and the wrath of COVID-19 also impacted another solid three years. There are also so many challenges. First of all, there is no real handbook that teaches you how to run a startup business, because there is no right or wrong way to do it. So you are constantly learning and making mistakes in every facet of the business. Then there are things like imposter syndrome and maintaining a good work life balance.
How has your experience so far been different to what you expected?
To be honest, since I naturally fell into this line of work, I didn’t really have any expectations. I didn’t particularly see myself as becoming an entrepreneur in the circular fashion industry, so every experience since I started the business has been unexpected!
What do you hope for your brand’s future?
I would absolutely love for Bean to be the place to shop for secondhand fashion. I believe Australia doesn’t have a large-scale online secondhand fashion shop where someone can go for all of their circular fashion shopping desires, particularly womenswear. There is no shortage of online fast fashion retailers, but none are offering a diverse range of pre-loved garments. I hope Bean can be that one day.
What is your favourite part of the fashion, styling aspect of Bean?
I love experimenting with unique styles and silhouettes that are typically overlooked. Seeing a piece of clothing on the hanger versus styled on an actual body can substantially alter its appeal, so I love being able to show a garment’s potential to people. Oh and I would be lying if I said shopping and getting to dress up and style looks isn’t the best part of the job!
What is your favourite part about the business aspect?
Building a community and networking with like-minded individuals is so fulfilling. From other sellers in the industry, to our customers all over the world who purchase from Bean—the people I have met along the way helped to mould my business into what it is today. I am confident this will only continue, and I really look forward to each day.