I’ve been waiting all year for this, Finn is our drawing and crazy fun ideas guy, bringing the most insane illustrations to life every gig guide. He also brings a different lens in terms of music compared to the rest of us here at Wanderer and that’s why I’ve been so excited to listen and share. To paint a bit of a picture of what to expect, when Finn get’s into the studio and it’s time to start creating the next gig guide he tends to get into his own little zone, discretely puts his airpods in and five minutes later he starts bouncing around in his chair whilst drawing on his wacom. It’s the best! You’ll catch Finn pretty much every Thursday at those warehouse Jazz Nights in Sydney and various raves in unknown locations up and down the coast. Expect a bunch of hip hop, grime and a fun sprinkle of Charlie XCX waiting for you at the end. Happy Holidays, stay safe and we’ll catch you next week for you’re January gig guide xo